Women at Volio Share Why Representation Matters
Women have always faced unprecedented challenges in the workplace. Even today, these challenges continue to evolve and persist. Post-COVID, jobs are highly technical and communication and is more virtual than ever before, and women are having to find new ways to progress equality in the working environment. Amidst these challenges are trailblazers, trend-setters, and nonconformists who are pathing a better way forward for women in the workplace. Although our society still has a lot of work to do, it’s important we also recognize the accomplishments and progress that has been made thus far. Here at Volio, we are lucky to have incredible women who are pushing the needle forward.

In honor of Women’s History Month, we asked our lady powerhouses about the women who inspire them, the challenges they’ve faced, what representation in the workplace means to them, and how they’ve gotten to where they are now in their careers. This is what they had to say…
Alice Barrios, Order Processing Coordinator
“I’ve worked in companies big and small and have been fortunate to have had mentors—both men and women—who influenced me, championed my efforts and coached me to be successful in my roles. So, I feel that I always have to be conscious of paying it forward. One of my favorite past activities was as a mentor for kids who were always surprised that I spoke Spanish but didn’t have an accent. I looked like them, graduated from college and worked in fields that they knew little or nothing about.
So, on International Women’s Day and every day, let’s all (men and women alike) work to support the women and girls around us so they can feel that their voices are heard, their ideas matter and their dreams can be realized. Nothing is impossible when we believe in ourselves and surround ourselves with positive and encouraging people.”

Blake Eve, Director of Marketing
“‘Surround yourself with women who would mention your name in a room full of opportunities.’ – Origin Unknown
I am so grateful to work with so many women who lift each other up on a daily basis. Let’s celebrate women not only today, but continue to celebrate their accomplishments and leadership throughout the year. Cheers to the strong women that we know and that we are!”
Dominique Conn-Giolito, Sales Representative, Florida
“Two of the women that inspired me in this crazy business of wine, champagne, and spirits: Eileen Crane – Domaine Carneros founding winemaker and Perrier Jouet Agnes Verbeerst. They are both beautiful, classy, and know their shit! I met them both early in my career. I learned so much from them and looked up to them. They gave me the confidence to be me and carry on in this business. When I started in the wine and spirits industry I was one of the very few women. I was on a team of three others, all men. They, too, helped me along the way. Being a women at Volio is exciting as I feel that Volio embraces their diversity and respects and listens to me and my opinions as a woman and an individual who has valid ideas.”

Elisa Ballard, Director of Operations
“I am so grateful for the spirited women in my life who inspire & support me everyday. The wine industry, especially, has a power house of female entrepreneurs and go-getters who make a point to lift each other up. It seems only fitting since the Greek goddess of wine Amphictyonis is also the goddess of friendship.”

Giovanna Mazzotta, Product Development Manager
“As a woman in the workplace, I believe the biggest obstacle we face is ourselves. It’s essential for us to be educated, informed, and willing to support each other as allies before we can expect other genders to help us achieve equity. I urge companies to stop using women’s rights as a performative tool to improve their image. Empty statements won’t lead to real change; we need factual action. Let’s move beyond empty slogans and focus on concrete actions that will drive progress.”

Giulia Cecchi, Regional Sales Director / Cecchi BA
“Since when I was a child, I have been inspired by the energy, courage, and vision of incredible women around me. My grandmother Anita was a pioneer woman in Tuscany and she was the first woman to ride a Vespa in the province of Siena back in the 1950s! My mother Laura is now leading one of the most prestigious wineries in Chianti Classico. I am proud to be part of a community of women who share the passion, knowledge, and resilience to keep growing our voice in the wine industry.”

Kelsey Peterson, Content Marketing Manager
“Every day, I work towards living in a world where women in male-dominated disciplines do not have to be trailblazers to be successful in their careers. As a woman in multimedia and video production, my entire career I’ve been surrounded by capable men. For a long time, I thought I couldn’t achieve the technical quality that my male colleagues could, not because I doubted my abilities, but simply because I’d never seen, closeup, women in my field doing what I aspired to do. I am grateful for my women friends and colleagues pushing the boundary with me in male-dominated disciplines, and daring to compete in a world that is not often supportive and welcoming of high-achieving women.”
Maura Sullivan, Order Processing Coordinator
“As a woman in the wine industry, I have faced many challenges. I was never alone. Whether if it was in the cellar, office or out in the market, there was always a strong female to support me and my growth. I owe my journey to them.”

Sarah Newman, Regional Sales Director
“The women of Volio routinely impress and inspire me! These ladies make me grateful for how far have we have come and optimistic about the future of the Volio workplace.”
Susanna Wriston, Travel Experiences
“It is fantastic to work with so many women in the fascinating world of wines—women with a unique passion in all aspects of wine. From female producers to sommeliers and consumers, the female universe has a heightened awareness and interest in wines. It is great to now see a woman choosing wine for the table, showing we have reached a well-deserved goal and helping to eliminate the gender gap.”
All around, a big BFA to the women of Volio.